What's on my coffee table: I cannot recommend this book highly enough. REF's Riftwar Saga is, for me, an absolute masterpiece. I read it over and over probably about once a year. I was 12 years old and home sick with pneumonia and my mom had brought me home a book that she thought I'd like because of the cover. It was Magician: Master, the second part of the Riftwar Saga. She meant well. But having skimmed it, I decided to get the first book. And from that moment I was hooked. Magician: Apprentice is the first full-length novel I ever read, prior to this it was comic books and novellas and compilations of short stories. I can recommend so many of Feist's work, and likely will in future posts, but this book is what started it all. Check it out! https://www.amazon.com/Magician-Apprentice-Raymond-Feist/dp/0553564943/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1548636638&sr=8-1&keywords=magician+apprentice+by+raymond+e.+feist
Magician: Apprentice by Raymond E. Feist
Updated: Mar 6, 2019